The Mobility Week In Review

Micromobility industry embarks on consolidation journey

Following a period of intense ups and downs, the micromobilty industry is now adopting a new key concept: consolidation

Micromobility industry embarks on consolidation journey
Miguel Elizondo |

This edition of The Mobility Week in Review explores the new union in search of profits of Tier and Dott, Airbus and Boeing's record-breaking outcomes, Northvolt's dedication to recyclable batteries, and Zity's exit from Paris.

Without further delay, let's get started.....

🛴 Tier-Dott merger challenges the 'one plus one equals two' concept

One term that epitomized the early surge in micromobility services is disorder. In the initial stages, the focus was predominantly on quantity over quality. The sector saw frequent introductions of new entrants every few weeks. Venture capital poured in, with massive investments in an industry that was still in its nascent stages of generating revenue. Following a period of intense ups and downs, the industry is now adopting a new key concept: consolidation.