The Mobility Week In Review

EU turns its gaze towards Chinese subsidies: A new trade war is coming?

EU turns its gaze towards Chinese subsidies: A new trade war is coming?
Miguel Elizondo |

This edition of The Mobility Week in Review covers the European Union's concerns regarding subsidies in the Chinese automobile industry, delves into the potential of green methanol in maritime freight transportation, examines the latest merger endeavor between Hitachi and Thales, and uncovers Revel's recent multimillion-dollar investment round.

Without wasting any more time, let's get started...

🕵️‍♀️ European Commission shines a spotlight on Chinese subsidies

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has announced an inquiry into Chinese subsidies for electric vehicles. This move potentially paves the way for the imposition of countervailing duties on Chinese electric vehicles in as little as nine months. If confirmed, the repercussions for the European automotive industry could be profound.